Come and visit us on Google+!

The web has been all abuzz with  Google Plus recently. People have been “hanging out”, creating circles and tracking sparks for just over a week now.  Well, we’re happy to say that CEGSA has their own Google Plus Stream, sparks and circles too!

Curious? Well why not contact for an invite and come and join in?

Already on Google+?

Well come on over and join us!

If you’ve already found or experimented with using Google+ in the classroom then let us know all about it.  There are already people thinking about using Hangouts to get classrooms across the state connecting.  Why not use the comments below to find other people who want to do the same?

What could this mean for you and CEGSA?

What if CEGSA had bi-weekly hangouts for members to discuss new Edtech initiatives?  Does that sound like something appealing to you?  Let us know how you’d like to see Google+ working for you! 🙂

Need to know what Google+ is?

BlogGoogle Plus and CEGSA