Thank you to all of you who responded to our survey about these proposed materials.
Taking into account your responses, CEGSA is to publish a book which contains all the summative task materials needed for the 4 Option Topics Relational Databases, Application Programming, Multimedia Programming and Website Programming, together with explanatory notes. (At this stage we are not including a section on Dynamic Websites). You will get a set of carefully designed tasks, and will save yourself many hours of work. The book is produced as photocopiable masters to be used for summative assessment in 2012. You will also be given access to downloadable files which accompany some of the tasks, editable SACE Board assessment plan for 2012.
The book has an introduction which explains how you can develop an assessment program using the materials provided, and referenced to SACE Board exemplars. Materials provided include an Assessment Plan outline, Folio Tasks, Skills Tasks, and Project Resource Material
Clarification workshops will be offered at the end of term 1 2012, addressing the content of the tasks. Purchasers of the books will have the opportunity to attend this workshop at a severely discounted price.
Suggested solutions will be sent to you at the end of SACE Moderation in 2012, making the 2012 tasks able to be used as formative tasks if desired in following years (note: once the suggested solutions are published, the task will no longer meet SACE summative requirements).
The books will be sent to schools by the end of February 2012.
Orders close on Friday 17 February.
Cost: CEGSA members $140.00, non- CEGSA members $180.00