The Australian Computing Academy (ACA)

As part of its support for the Digital Technologies curriculum, the Australian Government Department of Education and Training is providing national professional learning for several aspects of Digital Technologies.

Digital Technologies Workshops are offered by EdTechSA on behalf of the Australian Computing Academy (for the University of Sydney).

The workshop is a full-day training session to prepare teachers F-10 to implement the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. The workshop provides an introduction of the concepts and goals of the Digital Technologies curriculum, as well as providing teachers with practical coding experience to deliver the new curriculum in their classrooms.

The workshops will involve a curriculum overview, followed by an introduction to coding using the Australian Digital Technologies Challenges developed by the ACA.

Workshops are:  Members $30 and Non-Members $70, which includes morning tea and a light lunch.

Attendees are asked to bring their laptop computer and power supply.

Who Should Attend?

There is no prior knowledge required!  Come along if you are starting out or wish to further your expertise.

  • Primary and secondary teachers seeking to clarify their understanding of the Digital Technologies curriculum
  • Technology leaders seeking resources to support the implementation of the curriculum at their sites

Example Activities 

  • Digital Technologies Scope and Sequence across the year levels
  • Unpack curriculum appropriate to your teaching level 
  • Hands on experience with free, classroom ready resources that are targeted to the curriculum
  • Explore various programming tools available, including text and visual based programming and object orientated approaches

Members Discount Prices

To get your Members discount price, make sure you are logged into the website first.

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Become a member and get discounted tickets for the conference.

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Our Presenters

Gyllian Godfrey

Gyllian Godfrey

Principal, Athelstone School

Gyllian has held a general interest in the development of skills within the teaching and learning of digital technologies and the ICT general capabilities over a long period of time. An interest in ICT developed into a coordinator position in 2003/4, which continued from 2009 onwards with roles firmly based in the effective integration of digital technologies within the curriculum (Assistant Principal Innovation and Learning). Gyllian led the Microsoft Partners Innovation in Schools project at Gilles Street PS with the aim of building a digital culture. In teaching Digital Technologies Gyllian has focused on the development of computational thinking skills as the building block basics for digital thinking.
Don Murray

Don Murray

Springbank Secondary College

Don has extensive experience as a secondary educator.  He was also a Curriculum Officer at the SACE Board of SA, providing curriculum and assessment advice, policy and procedural advice, school liaison support, professional learning support and guiding quality assurance processes across the subjects Accounting, Business and Enterprise, Design and Technology, Economics, Information Technology, Media Studies & Outdoor Education. 

Don has also provided leadership in the development of the teaching and learning programs in Design and Technologies, Food and Textile Technologies, Digital Technologies, consistent with SACE and the Australian Curriculum. 

EventsThe Australian Computing Academy (ACA)