This book contains all the materials you need for your summative schools assessment tasks for 2013. The original print run of books sold out. We will do a second print run based entirely on orders received between now and FRIDAY 10 MAY. Payment must be received by this date.
The 2013 book contains Skills and Application Tasks, Folio Tasks and the Project. Materials have been prepared, together with explanatory notes, for the Option Topics Relational Databases, Application Programming, Multimedia Programming and Website Programming. Folio Tasks were not included in 2012, but are included in the 2013 book.
You will get a set of carefully designed tasks, and will save yourself many hours of work. The book is produced as photocopiable masters to be used for summative assessment in 2013. It has an introduction which explains how you can develop an assessment program using the materials provided, and referenced to SACE Board exemplars. Some of the tasks in the book refer to data files, and you will be given access to any downloadable files required.
If you have any questions please email Anne Ballard
Order here
Orders close 10 May 2013.