2019 Conference

2019 EdTechSA State Conference

Thinking Technologically

Wednesday 17th & Thursday 18th July 2019


Immanuel College, Margaret Ames Centre,
32 Morphett Road, Novar Gardens SA 5040

Masterclass with Paula Christophersen
– Your work and Thinking Technologically as a #newbasic

Limited tickets available

Learning to let go of our craving for some sense of permanence in a rapidly changing world’ stability, durability, persistence, permanency, fixity, fixedness, changelessness, immutability, endurance, dependability, constancy, continuance, continuity, immortality, indestructibility, perpetuity, endlessness. Those days are gone and that is why we need the ability to Think Technologically.

South Australia needs people who independently and collaboratively generate innovative solutions to complex problems and contribute to our knowledge economy and society.

Paula will develop your conversations, questions, skills, knowledge and understandings of what it means to develop Design Thinking, Systems Thinking and Computational Thinking skills within and beyond Digital Technologies learning programs.

About Paula Christophersen

Paula was the former Digital Technologies Curriculum Manager at the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority where she was responsible for the digital technologies curricula from Foundation to Year 12.

She was a co-writer of the Australian Digital Technologies Curriculum and the Australian Curriculum ICT general capability. She has conducted professional learning programs at regional, state, national and international levels and has co-authored senior secondary textbooks in the field of digital technologies.

Paula has also been a member of several national committees focusing on Digital Technologies and ICT as a general capability.

In 2014 Paula was made a life member of Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria (DLTV) as well as receiving the Dorothy Hoddinott Medal from the Australian Professional Teachers Association for outstanding lifetime achievement.

In 2017 Paula received the ‘Making IT Happen’ award from the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).

Currently, Paula co-edits a journal for the Victorian Commercial Teachers Association and consults on digital technologies matters.

2019 EdTechSA State Conference

The EdTechSA State Conference 2023 was proudly supported by:
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