PL Events Archive

Friday, 12 October 2018
8:15 am – 4:00 pm

SACE Stage 2 Information Technology Examination Preparation Day

While the workshops are designed for students, teachers are welcome to attend.

This full day workshop provides the opportunity for students to develop and polish skills in answering questions under timed supervision, and to improve their understanding and unpacking of exam questions to help them achieve the best marks possible in the upcoming Information Technology examination. Students work with very experienced teachers to explore question responses, discuss, and refine their answers. They will also be helped to develop the hand written page of notes that can be taken into the examination.

Eventbrite - SACE Stage 2 Information Technology Examination Preparation Day

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North is up

Adelaide High School is on the corner of West Tce and Glover Ave (Currie St continued).

There is only limited parking, with time limits in council areas

AHS is easily reached by bus, train or even tram.

Please enter and sign on at the front office from 8.15am.  The workshop begins at 8.45am. Please ensure you are signed in and seated by then.

We are in the Maths area, which can be reached by traveling west away from the front desk, following the red line on the map.

Turn right after the ramp, then left.

AHS location map

(.DOCX, 916KB)

Thursday, 25 October 2018
5:00pm – 7:00pm

Members: $25.00
Non-Members: $45.00

iPad App Development using Python

Would you like to write an entire app or game on your iPad using nothing but Python code? This beginner workshop is based around you using the Pythonista app to rapidly prototype an iPad game right on the iPad. No computer required! The intended audience for the workshop is teachers of Years 9 to 11 Digital Technologies. Participants do not need to have any prior Python or app development knowledge. This workshop will also highlight some of the work I am currently doing with my Digital Technologies students and includes stories from current students who have published their iPad apps worldwide on the App Store. Participants will need to bring an iPad with the Pythonista 3 ($14.99) app installed.

Eventbrite - iPad App Development using Python

Members Discount Prices

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Saturday, 27 October 2018
9:00am – 4:00pm

Members: $30.00
Non-Members: $70.00

ACA Workshop – Digital Technologies

As part of its support for the Digital Technologies curriculum, the Australian Government Department of Education and Training is providing national professional learning for several aspects of Digital Technologies.

Digital Technologies Workshops are offered in 2018 and 2019 by EdTechSA on behalf of the Australian Computing Academy (for the University of Sydney).

The workshop is a full-day training session to prepare teachers F-10 to teach the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. The workshop provides an introduction of the concepts and goals of the Digital Technologies curriculum, as well as providing teachers with practical programming assistance to deliver the new curriculum in their classrooms.

The workshops will involve a curriculum overview, followed by a programming introduction using the Australian Digital Technologies Challenges being developed by the ACA.

Eventbrite - ACA Workshop - Digital Technologies

Members Discount Prices

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Saturday, 17 November 2018
9:00am – 12:30pm

Members: $70.00
Non-Members: $120.00
Immanuel College – ICOSA Function Centre
Parking at rear of school
Tina: 0438844165
Stelanie 0418818929

Stage 1 Digital Technologies support for teachers

This workshop is an opportunity for teachers currently teaching the new Stage 1 Digital Technologies subject or those who will be teaching it in the future, to collaborate and get support. Experienced teachers will help to explain each Focus Area with examples of assessment tasks. There will also be marked student work available to enable an informal group moderation session. Participants are encouraged to bring student work and/or task examples they may have to share and use in the moderation session.

Everyone Welcome !

Registration is essential to attend this exclusive EdTechSA event as places are limited.

Eventbrite - Stage 1 Digital Technologies support for teachers

Members Discount Prices

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Day, Date

Members: $xx
Non-Members: $xx
Title of Event
Blurb of event
Event registration coming soon

Members Discount Prices

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Professional Learning

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Events Archive