When: Thursday 31st March, 2011
Time: 7.00pm
Where: EDC, Milner Street, Hindmarsh, room G.11A
It’s that time again! The Annual General Meeting has been booked and we’re ready to receive nominations for new committee members.
Kerrie Smith will be the guest speaker, she will be talking about
“e-books: the pitfalls of growing digital wings”
Continuing their two year stint on the committee are: | Where as the following, fabulous committee members will be up for nomination: |
We are always looking for new, dynamic people to add to the team. You’ll find a nomination form at the end of this page if you’d like to get more involved. Simply complete it and send it back via fax or email. Obviously, if you don’t have a current membership you cannot vote or be nominated. If you need to join, then why not sign up?
You’ll find the agenda for the meeting attached at the bottom of this page. Obviously, part of the meeting will involve awarding the coveted leading lights to two excellent practioners.
Please remember to RSVP by Tuesday 29th March for catering purposes if you will be attending or are an apology. We look forward to seeing you there!