Every day the CEGSA Committee touch base with educators from around the world who are either sharing resources they have found or are writing their thoughts/issues down. It’s these readings or snippets that get sent my way to share with you, but other people might challenge your thinking or provide curriculum resources in your area of study.

So here’s how to stay in touch with other educators and if you feel inclined, post their details to our blog as a comment or send an email to the office and I’ll try and collate them into a post.

I prefer Google Reader as it’s one of the better free options around, but you may choose another.

To use this method you will need to get yourselves a google account. To setup an account with Google you can either setup a new Gmail account or use an existing email address. If using an existing email account think about the account you use you do not what it to be an account that may no longer exist if you change work locations.

Once a google account is setup then register for Google Reader, simply Google “Google Reader” and register it with your Google account.

Then all you need to do is go to a page that is on a site that has RSS.

Select the RSS icon and you will be given an option to either add to Google hompage or Google Reader. Select Google Reader.

The next step is learning how to view these RSS feeds. Open Google Reader in your browser and it will list your RSS feeds on the left and in the middle section the latest posts from each blog.

Another way I get my feeds is through Flipboard on my smartphone or tablet. Flipboard is an interactive newspaper style aggregator which can pull from RSS feeds as well as personal accounts like Twitter and Facebook.

For those who use Safari as a browser here is a link to subscribing using Safari.

Here is a list of some of the blogs CEGSA Committee members subscribe to:

What educators do you follow? Add a comment below for others or send the office an email and I’ll collate your offerings into a post.

BlogTouching Base with other Educators