Revision Guide


This guide is been written as a workbook for students of this subject with input from experienced teachers and exam markers to provide sample solutions for each question.

The revision guide will contain copies of:
the 2015 Examination paper;
the 2014 Examination paper;
the 2013 Examination paper;
suggested fully worked solutions for all the above.

Guides will be distributed late term 2, 2016. Teachers may choose to use some of the resources in the Guide in a trial examination situation. Please note that books ordered will not be sent out until payment in full has been received by EdTechSA.

The Guide is produced as a student workbook and is copyright to EdTechSA. Orders for the guide close on Friday 20 May 2016, week 3 of term 2. Payment in full must accompany your order for it to be confirmed.

The cost for the guides is $29.00 per copy, including GST. EdTechSA members receive a discounted price of $23.00 per copy, including GST.
(Not an EdTechSA member? Click here to join)

Late orders, ie those confirmed after Friday 20 May will incur an additional charge of $5.00 per copy, to cover printing costs for small orders.

To order please click here.

Associated Activity

A one day Examination Preparation Workshop is planned for the last Friday of the term 3 holidays, Friday 14 October.

SACE ITSACE Stage 2 Information Technology 2016 Examination Revision Guide