We would like to share with you a brief overview of what is happening on each day of the ACEC2014 conference. As you will see – it is a jam packed conference with something for everybody on each of the days.

We are now opening up the Masterclasses for general attendance, so if you would like to attend either the Alec Couros or Google Masterclass, then you are now able to do this without being registered as a delegate for the other days of the conference.

The ACEC Leadership forum is also now open for general attendance, allowing everyone to be involved in developing strategies to build teacher confidence and capacity for implementing the Digital Technologies curriculum across all sectors.

Pre-Conference Day

This is the day to connect with keynotes and other experienced presenters at the pre-conference masterclasses. There is also the option of taking one of two fully catered tours around some SA schools to see how IT is being used in their classrooms. After all that learning and networking, it will be time to open ACEC2014: Now IT’s Personal with the Welcome Reception at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

Day 1

Welcome to the first full day of ACEC2014! The day begins with the keynote address byAlec Couros Beyond Selfies, Likes, and Pokes: Embracing the Personal Learning Revolution. The remainder of the day is spent in break out sessions, where you can choose from over 70 sessions to personalise your program.
Some session highlights from Day 1 include:

Day 2

Day 2 starts with the optional “Breakfast with the Keynotes” at the Stamford Plaza and only gets busier from there. Our keynote today is the ever-popular Kathy Schrockspeaking on Storytelling Across the Curriculum: Making Teaching Personal.Then it’s off to another day of sessions with a wide variety of topics.
Day 2 Session Highlights include:

But the day doesn’t end there, tonight is THE event – the ACEC2014 conference dinner which will allow you to catch up informally with old friends or make some new professional connections.

Day 3

The final day of ACEC2014: Now IT’s Personal, but that doesn’t mean today is going to be slower paced than the previous two. The day begins with a joint keynote with Sally-Ann Williams and Alan Noble CS + X – empowering the next generation for tomorrow’s world. Then it’s off again to the last of the breakout sessions with highlights including:

The last day of ACEC2014 ends with our final keynote speaker, ISTE CEO Brian Lewis, who will present his address, Embracing Change to Lead in a Connected World.  A fantastic end to a fantastic conference!

Why not spend some time now uncovering the full conference program and personalising your time at ACEC2014 to best suit your professional learning needs?

EventsACEC2014: Day by Day