EdTechSA continues its ‘Learning Conversations with Global Thinkers’ Series.
Tuesday 29 March, 5:30pm – 7:30pm, Margaret Ames Centre, Immanuel College
EdTechSA continues its ‘Learning Conversations with Global Thinkers’ series with one of the most amazing educators that you will ever hear: Alice Keeler.
This event is absolutely FREE for EdTechSA Members, but registration is essential.
Non EdTechSA-members $78 which is also the cost of an individual membership for 1 year, with access to more of these professional learning events. If you are NOT a member, consider joining before registering.
In ‘Learning Conversations with Global Thinkers’: “Blended Learning Changes What We Do” Alice will lead a discussion around Blended Learning, What is it? Why do we want it?
There will be demonstrations of blended learning tools and opportunity for Q&A.
Alice is a passionate educator who believes that professional development is not always formally delivered. She is a technology missionary, on a quest to inspire and help teachers to try something new. More than idea sharing she works with teachers to make vision reality. Alice is passionate about students learning, understanding and being able to apply their learning.
Alice Keeler has an impressive list of achievements.
- Google Certified Teacher
- New Media Consortium K-12 Ambassador
- Technology Trainer
- Microsoft Innovative Educator Trainer
- Adjunct Faculty California State University Fresno
- Adjunct Faculty Fresno Pacific University
- Bing in the ClassroomLesson Developer
- Teacher on Special Assignment: ACEL Charter High School
- Technology Consultant with Pivot Learning Partners
- Illuminate DataTrainer
- Leading Edge Certification (Admin & Online and Blended) Instructor
- Curriculum writer
- Technology Coach
- Academic Coach
- PBL Math Coach
- Founder #coffeecue
- FounderEdCampCV
- A. Mathematics California State University Fresno
- S. Educational Media Design and Technology Full Sail University
- Former Board Member Central Valley Computer Using Educators (CVCUE)
Twitter: @alicekeeler
Email: alice@alicekeeler.com
Blog: http://www.alicekeeler.com/teachertech/
YouTube Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/mrsalicekeeler
Follow Alice, email her your thoughts and questions, explore more of Alice’s wisdom.