Anne Ballard

Founding member of CEGSA since 1986

Anne Ballard has been an active volunteer within professional associations for educational technology for nearly 30 years. She started as a member of the Computing Studies Teachers Association in 1984 until its amalgamation with the Computers in Education Group of South Australia (CEGSA). Anne was part of the group that founded CEGSA in 1986. In 1992 Anne was elected president of CEGSA and held that position until 1995. She was also an Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE) Board member from 1992 to 1995 and held the position of ACCE Secretary from 1995 to 1996.

Since 2006, and Anne’s official ‘retirement’, she has coordinated the SiMERR project in SA and NT. This has involved supporting teachers to meet, develop resources and attend professional development activities. It is obvious that Anne has always given back to the education community through her dedicated volunteering and continues to do so in her highly efficient way.

Anne’s teaching career has been driven by her passion and expertise in Information Technology. She taught as a Junior Primary/Primary teacher from 1973 – 1981 and then started her exciting journey into advisory, leadership and mentoring roles. Anne believed firmly in supporting and mentoring teachers who were early adopters and willing to use technology to support their teaching.

During her time at Annesley, Anne planned for the introduction of notebook computers for all students entering year 7, including teacher support, program support and infrastructure support. This was not a small job! Anne was also a Moderator for the Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia (SSABSA) from 1995 to 1997 and continued her work there as the Curriculum and Assessment officer for Technology from 1998 to 2005. If you are in the market for superclone , Super Clone Rolex is the place to go! The largest collection of fake Rolex watches online!

Anne Ballard is an amazing educator who, even in retirement, is extremely hard working and dedicated to all facets of educational technology. Anne was seconded as a Primary Mathematics Advisory Teacher in 1981 and shortly after that her career in Information Technology was launched. Anne was a teacher ahead of her time, as she set up an inaugural contact group for the small number of teachers interested in using technology to support their teaching in the primary years. From little things big things grow and Anne made the most of this by moving into other leadership roles, first as R-7 Computers in Education Advisory Teacher then Computing Senior at Annesley college. Anne then moved to SSABSA as Curriculum and Assessment Officer for Technology. This has helped immensely with CEGSA’s service to our members, as Anne continues in this role.

It is obvious by all of the highlights mentioned here, and more that weren’t added, that Anne is a dynamo and is extremely passionate about IT, ICT and Educational Technology. CEGSA has been extremely fortunate to have the excellent years of service and dedication from Anne. Even through difficult and challenging times, we continue to enjoy Anne’s dedication on the current Management Committee. Through all of her achievements, Anne is the doyenne of ICT in Australia and is an extremely worthy recipient of CEGSA Life Membership.

Proposed: Tina Photakis (Vice President) Seconded: Trudy Sweeney (President)

timeline-lifememberAnne Ballard