TECH Heads Series – Workshop 1 – Facilitator Karen Butler

Online Event

Members: Non Members Non-Member: $25 Kids - FREE Take Control: Using MaKeyMaKey to design a game controller This workshop introduces participants to the MaKeyMakey and allows them to create an interactive game controller using a variety of materials in conjunction with Scratch. The workshop is aimed at primary students and teachers years 3-6. An internet-enabled […]

Maths support with Microsoft tools

Online Event

Outline: The Maths Assistant in OneNote, the Maths Solver in Microsoft’s Edge Browser and the Maths Solver app for iOS and Android can take hand-written equations and not only convert them to text, but also outline the solution steps.

Getting started: Your first steps with Minecraft: Education Edition

Online Event

Outline: In this webinar we will explore how Minecraft: Education Edition supports teaching and learning through a game-based interface that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive environment where the only limit is the learner’s imagination.

AGM 2022

Torrens Valley Christian School 1227 Grand Junction Road, Hope Valley

Register here: CODE: 2022MEMBER

Gamify Programming, Art and Design with MakeCode Arcade!

Online Event

Project Outline: Gamify, coding, art and design with Microsoft Makecode Arcade! Makecode arcade is a free, open source, coding platform that allows students to design and code their own retro video games. Built with accessibility in mind, Makecode is Microsoft's fastest growing coding platform and allows students from any age level to easily jump into the world of programming! Learn more at 

Microsoft Whiteboard in the Classroom

Online Event

Project Outline: Microsoft Whiteboard might be one of the newest kids on the O365 Block but that doesn't mean it's going to fall short of uses in your classroom. Join this one-hour session to the learn about the full educational features, learn how you can use Whiteboard for collaborative student projects and how it can even […]

Student Voice with Flipgrid

Online Event

Project Outline: Flipgrid is a free online video platform that offers students a place where they can share and reflect on ideas with other students and with their teachers. Flipgrid provides the perfect space for students to take part in classroom discussions and to share their thoughts and to hear their classmates’ ideas. Join this one-hour […]

Windows for Education – creativity, productivity and accessibility

Online Event

Project Outline: This webinar highlights the best of Windows for Education. As the world of education continually changes and grows, Windows devices allow for growth at all levels of education. Windows is the right technology for success, helping to create flexible classroom experiences with speed, easy to set up devices, apps, and amazing integration tools to personalize learning and […]

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