Immanuel Primary School

The CEGSA Educator of the Year award recognises those within the South Australian educational community who have contributed to the leadership and implementation of best practice in learning with ICT across the curriculum and about IT as a discipline. Christine successfully met the criteria for the award through her impressive work in technology education and the positive impact she has made in this area. She has facilitated workshops and presented sessions locally, nationally and internationally.

Christine has also demonstrated leadership qualities in her ICT Coordinator’s position at Immanuel primary school, as an Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) and in her position as the CEGSA Professional Development Convenor, strategically planning and developing procedures for successful PD Events including raising the bar by introducing and coordinating international level Masterclasses.

Overall, Christine is most worthy in being named CEGSA Educator of the Year 2012.

Twitter – @canhaynes

Blog: Innovation Portfolio

About Me:

timeline-educatorChristine Haynes