Annual General Meeting 2023 – 30 March 2023

Date: Thursday 30 March 2023

Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm

EDC :  4 Milner Street HINDMARSH SA 5007

Annual General Meeting 2023

Registrations to attend will open soon and an email will be forwarded with details.

Nominate to join EdTechSA Committee – will open on Wed 23 February 2023 and close Thursday, 23 March 2023

EdTechSA AGM Program
  1. Welcome & Housekeeping
  2. Acknowledgement of Country
  3. Awards
  4. Annual General Meeting (Agenda below)
  5. Special invited speakers
  6. Refreshments and networking
Annual General Meeting Agenda
  1. Welcome
  2. Attendance and Apologies
  3. Minutes of last Annual General Meeting 2022
  4. Business Arising

    4.1      Notice of PROPOSED change to the Constitution/Rules of Association

    A quorum of any General Meeting shall be 20 members or half the number of Financial Members which ever be the lower number.  Where a quorum is not achieved within 30 minutes of the time stated in the notice paper, the meeting may be reconvened with a quorum of 10 members under the following conditions:

    • that a clear fourteen days’ notice of the reconvened meeting shall be given to all members.
    • that such a meeting be clearly identified as a reconvened meeting.
    • that all items on the agenda of the original meeting, and only those items, shall constitute the business of the reconvened meeting.

    Management Committee’s PROPOSED CHANGE

    A quorum of any General Meeting shall be 10 members or half the number of Financial Members at the time of the general meeting which ever be the lower number.  Where a quorum is not achieved within 30 minutes of the time stated in the notice paper, the meeting may be reconvened with a quorum of 6 members under the following conditions

    • that a clear fourteen days’ notice of the reconvened meeting shall be given to all members.
    • that such a meeting be clearly identified as a reconvened meeting.
    • that all items on the agenda of the original meeting, and only those items, shall constitute the business of the reconvened meeting
  5. Reports
    5.1                 President’s report – Karen Butler
    5.2                 Treasurer’s report – Emma Fowler
    5.3                 Appointment of the Auditor
  1. Election of Committee
    6.1                 Retirement
    6.2                 Nominations
    6.3                 Election
  1. Next Management Meeting – To be advised
  2. Close of AGM


The AGM will also be an opportunity to recognise the important contributions made to our organisation through the presentation of the EdTechSA awards.  


If you wish to be recorded as an apology for the AGM, please notify the office in writing via email to

Guest Speaker for the AGM

Dr Nicholas Jackson

Dr Nicholas Jackson

Is this intelligence artificial?

This will be a provocative look into AI and its implications for teaching and learning

Not to be missed!

Dr Nicholas Jackson has worked for over 20 years in education at universities and in schools. He has a passion for researching and working with teachers, students and technology. He focuses on learners being empowered to access education in the ways that they choose and have doors open to create new pathways into learning enhanced by technology.

His specialties include pedagogy, educational technology, A.I. in education, e-learning, teaching, learning, online learning, coaching, training, empowering learners, communities of practice, ICT, computing, digital technologies, web design, design thinking, critical & creative thinking and all manner of digital innovation.

Would you like to join the EdTechSA committee?

Call for nominations for EdTechSA Management Committee are due by Thursday, 23 March using the form adjacent:

We would welcome dynamic individuals who are passionate about learning and educational technology.  You need to be enthusiastic and dedicated to working collaboratively with a diverse group.  Meetings are held monthly on a Thursday and are a mix of face-2-face and online.

To nominate, you need to be a current financial member (either individual or through organisational membership) of EdTechSA and your nomination needs to be endorsed by a financial member of EdTechSA.  You are welcome to email the President for endorsement (  Committee members are required to be individual EdTechSA members.


AGM Committee Position: Nomination Form

(e.g. position, setting, context...)
(eg. in the areas of: web, publicity, professional learning, conference)
Please indicate your preference and please feel free to share any examples

Are you:

AGMEdTechSA AGM 2023