Disney has conducted a survey (Mobile Cell and Tell) of 1500 10-17 year-old mobile phone users which found that teens and tweens like their mobile
phones perhaps more than other luxuries in their lives.
“If they had to choose between their phone or something else:
● One-third would give up listening to the radio, playing video games or going to the mall.
● Nearly one-fourth would give up their MP3 players.
● One in five would give up TV” (2007)
So with mobile phones being such an essential part of many of our students’ lives, the question remains of how they can be used effectively to benefit learning in the classroom.
In her article on 12Most, Lisa Nielsen highlights 12 of the most useful ways to support learning as adapted from the newly released book on the topic Teaching Generation Text.
This list of 12 is:
1. Pictures make it real with Flickr
2. Use an online cell phone notebook with WeTxt
3. Capture oral assignments and thoughts with Google Voice
4. Have an expert in your pocket with ChaCha
5. Get homework help using Google SMS
6. Gain collective intelligence with Twitter
7. Get feedback on your writing with TextNovel
8. Collect and display thoughts and ideas with Wiffiti
9. Create a phonecast for your report with iPadio
10. Give your presentation a face and a voice with Voki
11. Do your own surveys and gather responses with Poll Everywhere
12. Be an effective learner with the basic tools in your phone
Why not have a read of the full article here?