Led by: Al Upton

When: Thursday, 21st February, 2013

Time: 4:30pm – 6:30pm

Where: Mark Oliphant College, 99 Douglas Drive, Munno Para West.

Description: TeachMeets involve teachers sharing 7 and 2 minute presentations with each other. It’s free and fun. These succinct, easy to create presentations are sure to inspire at least one fellow colleague and that equals successful professional development.

For more information please contact Al Upton. @alupton or upton.al@gmail.com

If you know what it’s all about please consider registering otherwise read on ↓

Northern TeachMeet Program and Presentations


‘Simply Sharing Good Practice’


Teachers love to trade ideas and share practical classroom practices. Connecting in relaxed, comfortable environments with good company (even something to eat and drink) adds to the learning experience.

TeachMeets involve teachers sharing 7 and 2 minute presentations with each other. It’s free and fun. These succinct, easy to create presentations are sure to inspire at least one fellow colleague and that equals successful professional development. There is no pressure, demanding preparation requirements or judgemental attitudes. It’s also a wonderful way to get into presenting. Good sharing and great learning benefits our students. TeachMeets include Leaders, ICT Coordinators and Managers, Mentors, Researchers, Specialist and Classroom Teachers. They cater for all year levels and sectors.

Northern Adelaide TeachMeet    21st Feb  4.30-6.30pm    Mark Oliphant College    Term 1 Week 4


  • We encourage you to come ready to briefly share an idea, a tool, website or product of your choice
  • It’s important to do what it takes to get your message across (know what that is) and have fun
  • You will be timed for 7 or 2 minutes after 1 minute set up
  • A laptop, data projector, internet and microphone is available. Please bring extras you need or note  them when you register
  • Any presentation format is allowed – it doesn’t have to be technological, sing a song if you like
  • Bring a ‘Plan B’ backup (eg memory stick) Technology can go wrong, its part of the fun. Bring your own technology maybe.
  • Presenters are often chosen at random. The structure of our Northern Adelaide Teachmeet will depend on registration data.
  • The theme ‘Simply Sharing Good Practice’ is a guideline to give you scope and make it personal

How To Register

Click the word ‘Register’ above and add your details. Only your name and do you want to present are required.
We encourage everyone who is attending to individually register. It’s free.

Here are useful shorter links to share with others – program/presenters http://tinyurl.com/northernTM
or to register http://tinyurl.com/RegisterNorthTM

How to get to Mark Oliphant College

Many thanks to Lynne Symons (Principal) and Dean Clark (Head of Primary Years) for hosting and contributing so much to make this a successful event.

Address: 99 Douglas Dr, Munno Para West SA 5115
Transit: Stop 79E Newton Bvd – South side

Click here for an interactive map (NB MOC in it’s very early days, same location ‘though 🙂

Spread the Word     #CEGSA

Please use the #CEGSA tag. Just add it somewhere in your tweets. This will enable us all to connect to the rapidly growing CEGSA  network. We can also follow tweets leading up to, during the TeachMeet and beyond.

Northern Adelaide TeachMeet! 21st Feb Mark Oliphant College 4.30-6.30pm + stay on See you there! http://wp.me/p1W4ZI-1hL #CEGSA Pls RT                 (feel free to copy/modify and tweet this – 131 characters)

You might even want to right click the image/flier at the bottom of this post (‘Save image as ..’) and share with colleagues. Put the TeachMeet on the staff meeting agenda or leave the poster somewhere visible in the staffroom.  It’ll be a great night for professional development and staff morale. Perhaps get a group together from your site and encourage colleagues to create a brief presentation.

Please also post to your networks, copy and paste this – Northern Adelaide TeachMeet http://tinyurl.com/northernTM

CEGSA on Facebook and CEGSA on Google Plus (Add us  to your circles!) are also available.

You Can’t Make it but Don’t Want to Miss Out?

At this stage we are not looking at streaming. All suggestions or volunteers to film are most welcome.

If used, the #CEGSA Ustream channel (opens in new window) will begin broadcasting at 4.30pm 21st February Adelaide time.
International  Time Zones for this event.

However, useful presentation links will be posted online after the event. Also …

Use this twub http://twubs.com/CEGSA  (opens in new window) or look at #CEGSA in Twitter     (Create an account) 

National TeachMeet wiki SA page

 SA national page to be updated

By Al Upton –  CEGSA TeachMeet Coordinator @alupton    upton.al@gmail.com

Download to share

BlogTerm 1 Northern TeachMeet