AITSL toolCEGSA recently received this email from AITSL advising us of their new online teacher self-assessment tool. We thought we would pass it along to our members so you can have the chance to be part of the trial. 

The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) in collaboration with key education partners is trialling the items for a new online teacher self-assessment tool (SAT).

The SAT will support teachers at all career stages to reflect upon their strengths and identify areas for future development in accordance with the National Professional Standards for Teachers.

Once finalised, the SAT will assist all teachers with reflection on their own practice, planning for professional learning activities and as a basis for constructive discussions with colleagues to improve teaching.  The SAT will provide the scaffolding required to foster effective professional conversations with coaches and mentors.  It will also support aspirants for certification at Highly Accomplished or Lead career stages to assess their readiness to apply.

We are seeking educators across Australia to trial the SAT items and ask for your assistance in distributing the attached flyer to your colleagues.  We are requesting your support in encouraging whole schools and regions to accept this invitation so that we can refine the SAT and ensure its reliability in supporting the teaching profession.

Trialling the SAT items will take approximately 30 minutes.  Participants will have the opportunity to test the items within the SAT which will immediately provide stimulus to reflect upon their practice, however, they will not receive a report upon completion of the SAT trial.  All participants can enter the draw to win an iPad.

For more information and to trial the SAT please go to


Australian CurriculumTest Yourself with AITSL