2018 EdTechSA State Conference
Tuesday July 10th & Wednesday July 11th
Immanuel College
32 Morphett Road, Novar Gardens SA 5040
2018 Conference Program
Some sessions are workshops and you may need to bring a laptop, or device, with any suggested apps downloaded prior to the day. This will ensure that you get the most from the session.
Please note that some sessions are 45 minutes and others are 90 minutes, so choose accordingly. There is also a fantastic trade and sponsorship area for you to explore, along with activities in the Hub area.
EdTechSA 2018 Conference Program
Workshop Sessions
Day 1, Tuesday 10th July 2018
Session 1, 10:30am – 12:00pm
Cathy Hunt iPad Art and Tra-digital approaches Room A 18
Requirements: iPad and a number of apps required for participation in this session
Tags: Primary and Secondary, apps/software, curriculum/skills
Leanne Robertson: Integrating Digital Technologies in the Early Years Room A 17
The Digital Technologies Hub is a free resources that supports schools with the implementation of the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. A range of resources including lessons plans and a comprehensive scope and sequence for each year band assist teachers to build their confidence and capacity to plan and implement the Digital Technologies curriculum. The Hub includes other supporting materials designed to facilitate planning, teaching and assessment.
Requirements: Internet connected device to access and read DT Hub material.
Tags: Primary, Early Years, curriculum/skills
Fiona Clayton: Intro to Game Maker Studio 2 Programming with GML Room A 14
Requirements: Need a laptop or tablet with Game Maker Studio 2 installed (free version).
Tags:Secondary, apps/software
Kristen Hebden: Problem Finding and Problem solving with design thinking Room A 13
Requirements: Laptop/tablet beneficial but not necessary
Tags: Primary and Secondary, curriculum/skills
Paul Clapton-Caputo: The T in STEM500 What is it and what is it for? Room A 11
Requirements: Internet access and device
Tags: Primary, curriculum/skills
Selena Woodward: Designing Digital Thinking: An Intro to the Digitech Curriculum Room A 16
In this short introductory workshop, we will be exploring the types of thinking and learning the Digital Technologies curriculum demands of us and our students. This extremely hands on involves Hot Wheels cars and Lego…but don’t be fooled… we’ll use them to check your knowledge and understanding of systems and design thinking through Abstraction, Implementation, Systems, Iterations and Impact. Most of all.. It’s awesome fun! 😉
Tags: Primary and Secondary, curriculum/skills
Scott Griffiths and Darren Reutens: Rhythms, Rhymes and Tech Room A 2
Tags: Primary and Secondary, curriculum/skills
Day 1, Tuesday 10th July 2018
Session 1a, 10:30am – 11:15am
Lindsey Davis -Flexible Learning Environments - Integrating technology into Teaching and Learning practices for a variety of learning spaces Room A 12
Requires: Prowise panel with built-in PC module or laptop connected. Internet access (wireless keyboard if PC module not laptop)
Tags: EDtech, Flexible Learning Environments, PD opportunities
Day 1, Tuesday 10th July 2018
Session 1b, 11:15am – 12:00pm
Michael van Ho: Keeping your school website Room A 12
- Department for Education website requirements
- Website vulnerabilities
- Appropriate website content
- How a content management system can help deliver information to a school’s audience (community, students, parents and careers)
- A short brain storming session on apps, plugins and platforms to help assist schools
Tags: Primary and Secondary, Leadership, apps/software
Day 1, Tuesday 10th July 2018
Session 2, 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Chris Ramsden: Strategies for success - boost learning through game-based skill development and assessment Room A 16
Tags:Primary and Secondary, apps/software, curriculum/skills
Day 1, Tuesday 10th July 2018
Session 2a, 2:00pm – 2:40pm
Brad Waid: Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality – Engaging a Mindcraft Generation Room A 18
Tags: Primary and Secondary, Hardware, curriculum/skills
Alex Yin and Jordan Wallis: Seesaw + other apps Room A 17
Requirements: iPad, tablet or smartphone with Seesaw class app downloaded (if possible).
Tags: Primary, Early Years, apps/software
Paula Christophersen: Systems thinking – going around in circles - Room A 14
Emil Zankov VEX Robotics Room A 13
Requirements: Bring a device (Windows/Mac/iPad) to see the platform in action – some time to play with the robots and importantly I’ll be showing the work my students in Year 7,8,9,10 have completed with the platform.
Tags: Secondary, Hardware, curriculum/skills
Penny Rowe: Privacy and Informed Consent Room A 12
Monique Green: Unit plan prototyping to test design ideas and app functionality Room A 11
For the App Prototype session they will need “POP” installed on their phone on iPad
For Driverless Cars they will need LEGO Mindstorms (Education edition) this will work on iPad or MacBook
Requirements: iPad
Tags: Primary, curriculum/skills
Day 1, Tuesday 10th July 2018
Session 2b, 2:50pm – 3:35pm
Michele Miller: Robokids robotics and STEM Room A 18
Tags: Primary and Secondary, Hardware, curriculum/skills
Sarah O’Dwyer: Everyday teaching with Digital Technologies Room A 17
I also run a Junior Primary recess time program called Technology Thursdays, where students can access and explore technologies. An alternative play option for many students, which I will share the set up and positives of.
Requirements: iPad
Tags: Primary, Early Years, apps/software
Steve Iuliano: VR, MR & 3D modelling Room A 14
You can now create 3D content using free software on almost any platform or device (i.e. Mac, PC, iPad or Surface Pro) and then view this in VR on both cheap google cardboard style devices, or more intense MR setups with hand controllers to immerse your students into their designs giving them perspective, a boost in engagement and incredible outcomes. Imagine creating a scene from a History topic, or sitting in the cockpit of a vehicle they have designed.
Note: 3D modelling can be done in both Primary and Secondary, however, prolonged use of VR is only recommended for ages 13 and above, so the focus will be more on secondary outcomes, however, we will also discuss primary implications in this field.
Requirements: This will be a presentation, you are not required to bring anything to the session.
Tags: Secondary, Hardware, curriculum/skills
Rebecca Vivian: Unpacking the secondary years Digital Technologies Curriculum Room A 13
Requirements: Please bring a device if possible to view and access materials.
Tags: Secondary, curriculum/skills
Mark Giorgio When schools become social Room A 12
Tags: Primary and Secondary, Leadership
Chloe Harrington: Sparking deeper learning in STEM through video Room A 11
Requirements: Attendees please bring a device
Tags: Primary and Secondary, apps/software
Day 1, Tuesday 10th July 2018
Session 3, 3:55pm – 5:25pm
Lee Campbell: Makerspace Success and Challenges Room A 18
Requirements: Tablet with the Sphero Edu and Wonder Blockly apps and/or a laptop with USB port.
Tags: Primary, Hardware, apps/software
Christine Haynes: Communicating Learning with Digital Learning Journals Room A 17
Part 1 Is a hands-on workshop for beginners to explore Seesaw (bring a device).
Part 2: Shares a whole school collaborative approach to communicating learning using Seesaw. Includes strategies for communicating learning, developing essential agreements, and bringing parents on the learning journey.
Requirements: Part 1 requires a device.
Tags: Primary, Early Years, apps/software, Leadership
Chris Robinson: iPad App Development using Python Room A 14
Participants do not need to have any prior Python or app development knowledge. This workshop will also highlight some of the work I am currently doing with my Digital Technologies students.
Requirements: Attendees will need to bring an iPad with the Pythonista 3 ($14.99) app installed.
Tags: Secondary, apps/software, curriculum/skills
Georgia Bradford: A Pizza Box and Explain Everything Room A 13
Requirements: iPad – Explain Everything App
Tags: Primary, apps/software
Ben Jucius: Intro to Implementing the Digital Technologies Curriculum Room A 12
People leave feeling more confident and skilled to implement the Digital Technology.
This session is aimed at year R-9 teachers and other school leaders.
Tags: Primary and Secondary, curriculum/skills, Leadership
Miro Kostecki: Hands on STEM Inventions for Social Good Room A 11
Hands on STEM + SEL ( Social Enterprise Learning ) projects.
STEMSEL uses the ezSystem Inventors kit to solve this problem. Grade3 Primary School students can design, build and program a STEM Inventors project in 90 minutes. Examples include dimming down 3D printed Street lights to save electricity to reduce Greenhouse Bricks which contains heavy metals e.g. lead, arsenic that change the DNA of people. ezSystem is used in Primary Schools, High Schools, Universities and industry by engineers.
Video story of Year 6 student Michael Zhang STEMSEL Invention for Social Good to help poor children who earn $2 per day picking Cocoa fruits who have never tasted chocolate before…. https://youtu.be/C05bkcdFotU
Requirements: Laptop running Windows 7 or above if possible to install free software ( otherwise provided )
Tags: Primary, curriculum/skills
Scott Griffiths and Darren Reutens: Rhythms, Rhymes and Tech Room A 2
Tags: Primary and Secondary, curriculum/skills
Day 2, Wednesday 11th July 2018
Session 1, 10:30am – 12:00pm
Troy Waller: A Hands-on introduction to Minecraft: Education Edition Room A 18
Tags: Primary and Secondary, apps/software
Leanne Cameron: Exploring Thinking in the Australian Technologies Curriculum Room A 17
Tags: Primary and Secondary, curriculum/skills
Neil Tregenza: Simple ways to jump into STEM Room A 14
Practical classroom ideas will be explored in the areas of Virtual Reality, coding without robots and the foundations of robotics including Sphero, BeeBots and Cubetto.
This workshop is suitable for educators working in special classes and disability units or with students with disability within R-5 mainstream classes.
Requirements: Participants are encouraged to bring their own mobile device for use in some elements of the workshop. The device must have a valid Google account to log into Google Expeditions
Tags: Primary, Early Years, Hardware
Linda Guthrie: Digital Badges: track and showcase a learner’s achievements Room A 13
Now there are digital badges. These are very quickly becoming popular with educators as a means of acknowledging skill development in formal and informal learning. Badges are here to stay, but their impact depends on the design and function of the badges and how well they are connected with the learning process.
They are a powerful incentive for students (Years 3-12) in developing their General Capabilities or showing mastery of content. This is a hands-on workshop supporting Teacher Librarians and class teachers to purposefully create and use Digital Badges as a form of eportfolio to track and showcase a learner’s achievements, interests and passions.
Requirements: Please bring your device, some examples of assessment using the General Capabilities, and your USB.
Tags: Primary and Secondary, apps/software
Graham Wegner: Lego WeDo & Jr Lego League – Get Robotics Happening! Room A 12
Requirements: If attendees prefer to use their own iPad, they will need to download the free Lego WeDo app before this workshop.
Tags: Primary, Hardware
Leanne Robertson: Integrating Digital Tech in Year 3 & 4 Room A 16
The Digital Technologies Hub is a free resources that supports schools with the implementation of the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. A range of resources including lessons plans and a comprehensive scope and sequence for each year band assist teachers to build their confidence and capacity to plan and implement the Digital Technologies curriculum. The Hub includes other supporting materials designed to facilitate planning, teaching and assessment.
Requirements: Internet connected device to access and read DT Hub material.
Tags: Primary, curriculum/skills
Scott Griffiths and Darren Reutens: Rhythms, Rhymes and Tech Room A 2
Tags: Primary and Secondary, curriculum/skills
Day 2, Wednesday 11th July 2018
Session 1a, 10:30am – 11:15am
Michele Miller: Robokids robotics and STEM Room A 11
Requirements: All equipment provided
Tags: Primary and Secondary, Hardware, curriculum/skills
Day 2, Wednesday 11th July 2018
Session 1b, 11:15am – 12:00pm
Christine Haynes: Leading Learning in a Digital Age Room A 11
Tags:Primary and Secondary, Leadership
Day 2, Wednesday 11th July 2018
Session 2, 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Scott Griffiths and Darren Reutens: Rhythms, Rhymes and Tech Room A 2
Tags: Primary and Secondary, curriculum/skills
Day 2, Wednesday 11th July 2018
Session 2a, 2:00pm – 2:45pm
Hajnalka Molloy: 3D printing in an Inquiry based learning context Room A 18
Tags: Primary, apps/software, Hardware
Neil Tregenza: Coding without stuff Room A 17
I will outline some basic (not rocket science) methods to get started with Computational Thinking for FREE, no stuff required! My presentation is intended for early years however it is possible that middle to upper primary may apply similar principles. My experiences of teaching “coding” to groups of preschoolers will be shared as a focal point of the presentation.
Tags: Primary, Early Years, curriculum/skills
Nicole Sander: Engaging Students through Dash and Dot Robots Room A 14
Requirements: Please bring an iOS device (iPad/iPhone) with Bluetooth capabilities. Participants will also need to access and download the app Blockly for Dash & Dot robots.
Tags: Primary, Hardware
Guy Louanglath Students teach students with ICT Room A 13
Students will create a lesson where they will deliver to their peers, collect & analyse data, and reflect on processes and products – modifying as needed.
How will I do it:
1. Students will learn how to edit transcripts, create footnotes and bibliographies and develop questions (multiple choice, fill in the blank, true false, extended response).
2. After acquiring and refining said didactic skills, students will have the flexibility to select content and create and deliver a multimodal lesson to their target audience. Readily available tools such as google (docs, forms, sheets…etc.), Youtube, Daymap/Compass, Facebook, Twitter…will be utilised with an emphasis on sustainability (paperless) and assist with executive functions.
Requirements: Laptops with internet access & Google account.
Tags: Secondary, curriculum/skills, apps/software
Gary and Teresa Pascoe: STEM through Literacy Room A 12
Tags: Primary, curriculum/skills
Fiona Clayton: Python Programming with Edison Robots -introductory session Room A 16
Requirements: Need a laptop, tablet or iPad with internet access or with EdPy installed. Information can be emailed to participants.
Tags: Secondary, Hardware
Day 2, Wednesday 11th July 2018
Session 2b, 2:50pm – 3:35pm
Cathy Hunt: Easy Peasy Stop Motion Room A 18
Using mobile devices to produce stop motion clips can empower students to ‘show what they know’. This session will allow teachers to explore versatile tools for animation on there iPads, linking rich tasks to technology that can support learning. Designed to engage participants as students, a ‘learn by play’ mindset, flexible lesson designs will be highlighted for a variety of outcomes and contexts. Pedagogical approaches will be unpacked that support the development of higher order thinking in the classroom, explore iterative approaches towards mastery, and position creativity and innovation as a central goal in any classroom.
Requirements: iPad and a free app required for participation in this session.
Tags: Primary and Secondary, apps/software, curriculum/skills
Matt Jessett: Engaging with deep digital learning - without the tech Room A 17
Requirements: Please bring along any ideas for unplugged activities you have found or used with students if you would like to share them.
Tags: Primary, curriculum/skills
Alex Yin and Jordan Wallis: SeeSaw + other apps Room A 14
Requirements: iPad, tablet or smartphone with Seesaw class app downloaded (if possible).
Tags: Primary, Early Years, apps/software
Emil Zankov VEX Robotics Room A 13
Requirements: Bring a device (Windows/Mac/iPad) to see the platform in action – some time to play with the robots and importantly I’ll be showing the work my students in Year 7,8,9,10 have completed with the platform.
Tags: Secondary, Hardware, curriculum/skills
Ashleigh Flavel: Linking 3D printing to Inquiry in Primary Room A 12
Requirements: Laptop with connection to the internet
Tags: Primary, Hardware
Michael Van Ho: Creating a resources app to empower educators Room A 11
The workshop will include:
How to use the ACLL app to
• Enhance professional development
• Connect and create your own teaching network
• Share, save resources and practical examples
• Customise your feed and follow other teachers, principals, editors and publishers
We also invite educators to be a part of the new app development by providing feedback and suggestion during our workshop.
Attendees will be supplied with a certificate of participation from the Professional Practice Directorate of the Department for Education.
Requirements: Please bring a device (eg. laptop, iPad or phone) to help interact
Tags: Primary and Secondary, Leadership, curriculum/skills
Ren Downing: The Nuts and Bolts of Flipped Learning Room A 16
Tags: Primary and Secondary, curriculum/skills
Day 2, Wednesday 11th July 2018
Session 3, 3:55pm – 5:25pm
Troy Waller: Build a collaborative classroom with Office 365 Room A 18
Tags: Primary and Secondary, apps/software
Paula Christophersen Why Before What (with the odd exception) Room A 17
Monique Green: Driverless Cars with LEGO Room A 14
Come and see how St Peter’s Girls are implementing the Digital Technologies Curriculum using the theme of Driverless Cars” Not only do students build on their computational thinking skills but the application of this task is relevant to the Tech Industry in SA now and in the future.
Requirements: iPad or Laptop
Lego EV3 Mindstorms
Tags: Primary and Secondary, Hardware
Ann-Maree Davis: Teaching with Unity Room A 13
Requirements: Laptop with Unity 2017.3 pre-installed
Tags: Secondary, apps/software
Paul Connelly: Taking Your Whole School to Deeper Levels Room A 11
Requirements: Please bring along your school’s strategic plan documentation, along with relevant budget information. These will be for your personal reference to help you develop a digital technologies strategic plan that aligns with your school’s wider plan.
The intention is that this documentation is not shared with anyone else (including the presenter) and kept in your confidence only, unless you have the authority and willingness to share pertinent details.
Tags: Primary and Secondary, Leadership
Steve Iuliano: iPad in the classroom - content creation and green screening Room A 16
Requirements: You are welcome to bring an iPad but this is not necessary.
Tags: Primary and Secondary, apps/software
Day 2, Wednesday 11th July 2018
Session 3a, 3:55pm – 4:40pm
Joanne Villis: Exploring Robotics with Lego Mindstorm Room A 12
Day 2, Wednesday 11th July 2018
Session 3b, 4:40pm – 5:25pm
Joanne Villis: Programming with the BBC micro:bit Room A 12
Requirements: Laptop with USB outlet in order to connect micro:bit to device.
Tags: Secondary, Hardware