TechHeads: Understanding the Digital Technologies subject through student experience.

Naracoorte Primary School

Tech Heads - Teachers Naracoorte Workshop for Teachers - EdTechSA invites teachers to join us! Understanding the Digital Technologies subject through Student Experience Friday, July 22 - 9am - 1.00pm Come along and find out about the Digital Technologies subjects, building students' computational thinking and capturing student evidence. We will look at Version 9.0 in […]

Stage 1 and Stage 2 Digital Technologies Networking Session 2

Face to Face Lady Daly 126 Port Road, Hindmarsh

Outline: An opportunity for SACE Stage 1 & 2 Digital Technologies teachers to get together to network with other teachers and ask any questions you may have from Expert Digital Technologies Educator, Fiona Clayton.

Stage 2 Digital Technologies Informal Moderation Online Workshop

Online Event

This is an opportunity for all Stage 2 Digi Tech teachers (and Stage 1) to bring samples of students work to show other teachers and get feedback regarding how the work matches against the performance standards. Once you register you will be sent a link to a Microsoft Teams meeting. This session will be run […]

Student Competition

Online Event

If you haven’t already, please register your students to participate in our student competition “Make it Better”.  Students can create a prototype and then upload a media presentation in any form e.g slide deck, movie, poster, to explain their inventions. There are prizes for Junior, Primary and Secondary.  If you need support to enter or […]

Educators SA Purpose of Public Education Consultation

Adelaide Convention Centre North Terrace, Adelaide

The future of public education in SA is up for grabs and YOU can be part of making it happen! Your thoughts and ideas can transform the future for the learners of SA! The Department for Education is developing a Purpose of Public Education Statement which will define how public education develops over the next […]

Is this intelligence artificial?

EDC Centre 4 Milner Street, Hindmarsh

Dr Nicholas Jackson has worked for over 20 years in education at universities and in schools. He has a passion for researching and working with teachers, students and technology. He focuses on learners being empowered to access education in the ways that they choose and have doors open to create new pathways into learning enhanced […]

Student Competition

As part of EdTechSA’s 2023 Conference, students are invited to take part in the following competition. Students are to choose one of the UN sustainability goals and design a digital solution or prototype that can improve the world. Some examples are: a game to educate players on how we can help sustain our ecosystems an […]