Doing secondary school differently

Blog Four teachers from Johnson Heights Secondary have taken an iPad trial and set out to change 50 students’ idea of secondary education. As part of a teacher driven inquiry project, these teachers have combined...

TV and iPads

Blog The joy of this tour is being able to sit down with students and a listen to them talk about their learning. Upon arrival we were greeted by a student saying hello and wielding an iPad, before even the Principal...

Conversations #1

Blog It’s interesting what happens when a new group is formed and conversations start. I just met a new group of people who are on the study tour to Canada and the USA. After we did the introductions we started the...

Exploring New Frontiers

Blog A group of South Australians and even larger group of Australians are packing their bags and heading to San Diego for the largest Education and Technology Conference this June. The International Society for Technology...

Looking to share your opinions?

Blog We were recently sent this call for submissions from ISTE’s member magazine L&L. We thought we would share it with our members to see if they would like another opportunity to share their point of view in an...

ISTE Awards 2012

Blog As a follow up to our previous blogs about our CEGSA leading lights and award winners, I thought this week we would share some information about what is available next for our winner and how you, as a CEGSA member, can...